展覧会カタログ | Chim↑Pom展:ハッピースプリング カタログ第2巻(ドキュメント版) / Chim↑Pom: Happy Spring, Catalogue Vol.2 (Document ver.)
Exhibition Catalogue
アート、建築、現代思想、ポップカルチャーなどの分野で活躍する複数の著者の論考を掲載し、会期中のイベントや出来事、展示と作家に対する批評をとおして、展覧会の全貌を明らかにします。 展示風景写真、会場に出現した「道」の記録なども収録しました。
The catalogue volume two includes essays by various authors active in the fields of art, architecture, contemporary philosophy, pop culture and others. Through critical analyses of the artist collective and artworks, as well as events and happenings that occurred during the exhibition period, this volume provides a comprehensive overview of the exhibition.
It also features installation images of the exhibition and documentation of A Street that appeared in the museum.
Essays by: Ito Asa, Igarashi Taro, Arthur Binard, Jason Waite, Yabumae Tomoko, Semba Nozomu, Kanehara Hitomi, Sakuta Tomoki, Kondo Kenichi, Ishitani Takehiro, Sharar Lazima, and Sasaki Atsushi
本体サイズ:A4変形(28.2×21 cm)
言語:日英バイリンガル/Japanese-English bilingual
編著:Chim↑Pom from Smappa!Group、森美術館
Unauthorized copying and replication of the contents of this site, text and images are strictly prohibited.
アート、建築、現代思想、ポップカルチャーなどの分野で活躍する複数の著者の論考を掲載し、会期中のイベントや出来事、展示と作家に対する批評をとおして、展覧会の全貌を明らかにします。 展示風景写真、会場に出現した「道」の記録なども収録しました。
The catalogue volume two includes essays by various authors active in the fields of art, architecture, contemporary philosophy, pop culture and others. Through critical analyses of the artist collective and artworks, as well as events and happenings that occurred during the exhibition period, this volume provides a comprehensive overview of the exhibition.
It also features installation images of the exhibition and documentation of A Street that appeared in the museum.
Essays by: Ito Asa, Igarashi Taro, Arthur Binard, Jason Waite, Yabumae Tomoko, Semba Nozomu, Kanehara Hitomi, Sakuta Tomoki, Kondo Kenichi, Ishitani Takehiro, Sharar Lazima, and Sasaki Atsushi
本体サイズ:A4変形(28.2×21 cm)
言語:日英バイリンガル/Japanese-English bilingual
編著:Chim↑Pom from Smappa!Group、森美術館
Unauthorized copying and replication of the contents of this site, text and images are strictly prohibited.